Joshua McGowan

Joshua McGowan

  • Assistant Professor of Art
    Email Address:
    Office location:
    Johnson Arts Center 221

    Joshua McGowan is a visual artist based in Atlanta and Kenosha who uses photography, sculpture, found images, new media technologies, animation, and antiquated photographic processes to address questions of perception, presence, and the apparatus of photographic language. His work ranges from large format darkroom prints to advanced new media images encircling the concept of exploring the photographic apparatus and digital technology.

    Prof. McGowan received his MFA from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in 2019.

    • MFA in Photography — Tyler School of Art, Temple University, 2019
    • Teaching in Higher Education Certificate — Temple University, 2019
    • BFA with Distinction in Studio Art with Concentrations in Photography and Graphic Design — Piedmont College, Magna Cum Laude, 2016
    • ART 200T Animation
    • ART 1070 Foundations: Time — Movement
    • ARH 2100 History of Photography


    Poor Possibilities / Rich Realizations
    Mason Scharfenstein Museum of Art
    Demorest, Ga. 2019

    Emulated Continuum
    Temple Contemporary
    Philadelphia, Pa. 2019

    Exhume: The Uncanny and Captivating Nature of Abject Images
    Mason Scharfenstein Museum of Art
    Demorest, Ga. 2016